
Release title Release date Format Created by Running time Instruments
Dharma Songs 05.08.2021 Album, Digital release J Dallos 1 hour 2 minutes (15 tracks) Acousic guitars, Electric guitars, Bass guitar, Drums, Harmonica, Vocals, Piano
Here Tonight 02.07.2021 Single, Digital release J Dallos 3 minutes 30 seconds (1 track) Acousic guitars, Electric guitars, Slide guitar, Bass guitar, Drums, Vocals
Catch A Break 04.12.2020 EP, Digital release J Dallos 18 minutes 24 seconds (5 tracks) Acousic guitars, Electric guitars, Bass guitar, Harmonica, Vocals, Piano
Directions To Now 21.06.2020 Album, Digital release J Dallos 47 minutes 57 seconds (12 tracks) Acousic guitars, Electric guitars, Bass guitar, Harmonica, Vocals, Piano
Transmission Of Love 01.05.2020 Single, Digital release J Dallos 3 minutes 58 seconds (1 track) Acousic guitar, Electric guitar, Bass guitar, Vocals

Dharma Songs Album Artwork

Dharma Songs

Tracks written, recorded and mixed from late summer 2020 through to summer 2021. New recording methods, the introduction of drums, and more layers of music than ever before! A high energy album with meaningful lyrics, raw vocals, rich musical textures, and all thoughtfully produced.

"Dharma songs, its been a long time coming... I wrote the first track 'Come Back', a week or so after finishing Directions to Now, so in many ways it's a development of many of those themes. I loved Directions to Now and still do, but I really feel this has built upon that experience and taken it further. Dharma Songs is louder, bolder, deeper, and coming out of a time when I was granted real opportunity for contemplation. Also there's a lot more guitars!"
-J Dallos

Here tonight artwork

Here Tonight

The first single from Dharma Songs. Here Tonight fuses a tapestry of layed electric guitars, with prominant bass, and hypnotic vocals delivering lyrics for the times.

"Here Tonight was developed from a instrumental looping track I developed. I enjoyed the texture of sounds that came from the layers and I think that adding the drum machine at the end really completed the song."
-J Dallos

Track list

  1. Here Tonight

Catch a Break artwork

Catch A Break Ep

A collection of songs writted after relocating to Finland. Reflections upon inner and outer nature. Catch a break represents a change in the recording method used giving greater creative freedom.

"It was a shock how much longer things were taking using computer software to record and mix rather than my trusty tascam 8 track. With that increase in time came an increase in opportunity to shape the music, so it was worthwhile to produce something of higher quality, I think.

Written after a big move in my life so it's a nice marker of a nice time."
-J Dallos

Track list

  1. Catch A Break
  2. It Takes Time Just To Slow Down
  3. Does A Dog Have Buddha Nature?
  4. Life Is A Cycle
  5. Your Light

Directions to Now artwork

Directions to Now

First full-length album by J Dallos, Directions To Now sets the tone for much of J Dallos' future work. Investigations into the nature of self, exercises in attention, and calls to compassion. Recorded March-May 2020.

"Directions To Now really felt like an alignment of the stars for me. For the first time I really had the time and inclination to record something on the scale of an album. I'd also recently come into contact with a couple of super albums (The Empryean and Global Griot) that really deepened my connection to music, and even clarified aspects of my own songwriting to me.

After 15 years of writing songs I had the clearest conception of what I'd been writing about the whole time- it was on."
-J Dallos

Track list

  1. Are you Here?
  2. They Live
  3. Transmission of Love
  4. Mantra
  5. The Words
  6. ?||?
  7. Spiritual Health
  8. Here With Me
  9. Music is a Doorway
  10. Her
  11. A Turn
  12. Directions to Now

Transmission of Love artwork

Transmission of Love

The first release under the artist name J Dallos.

"First release and kind of a test run for Directions to Now. This was the first music I had the pleasure of calling upon Matt Reid to create the cover art- the start of a fruitful creative relationship that goes on through to Dharma Songs and hopefully beyond."
-J Dallos

Track list

  1. Transmission of Love

All release artwork created by artist and friend Matt Reid. Thanks Matt!