
A picture of J Dallos

J Dallos is a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who writes songs about life.

About music

I make music that is fun to play and that is meaningful to me. One of my favourite things about music is its ability to bring you into the present moment and hold you there with some stability.

I rarely have a idea in mind of what I plan to write about before writing a song. Ocassionally words just come into my head while I'm busy doing something else but usually I create some music and play it over and over again until the words appear. I'm sure this is a similar experience for many songwriters- less of a trying to make something and more allowing it to happen. I feel very grateful to hear the songs when they are done and having this kind of attitude helps me not take my songs or peoples likes or dislikes about them too seriously.

I'm not great at placing music in genres and have no strong sense of what genre my music really is, but I enjoy it and I hope you do too!.

About lyrics

Hmm, I can see why so many songwriters don't like to answer this question. I've really connected with songs before and then found out they mean something to the writer completely different to what they mean to me. Luckily I don't think thats a problem, I think it's kind of magical that 'stuff' can mean different 'things' to different people.

That said I'm really interested in the subjective nature of mind, attention, meditation, technology, addiction, culture, suffering, being and becoming happy/ peaceful, and the meaning of life! All these heavily influence my songwriting.

I write songs that I would like to hear and they are created with the intention of cultivating peace in the listener. My songs also serve as kind of reminder of the valuable things in life and how to best stay grounded in them- without being too opinionated about it!

About you

I grew up in the north of England: Hull, York, Leeds. I started playing music when I was 14, my first instrument was a freshman bass- I still have it! Within a few weeks of plucking my first notes I wrote a song as an apology for accidently breaking a chair (rock and roll!). Turns out I enjoyed writing lyrics so I carried on doing it and encourage others to do the same!

I've been lucky enough to play with many incredibly talented musicians over the years who have basically taught me how to play. They've influenced my own songwriting and approach to music and we've had some great times along the way- with more to come! For me one of the most inspiring things about music is to discover there are so many people who are musicians that it's simply a privilege to listen to- they're on every street.

I moved to Finland in 2020 where I'm currently enjoying living pretty much in the middle of the forest.


Aside from all the non-famous folks I've had the pleasure of sharing my musical journey with? Well there are so so many...

My favourite artist has been John Frusciante for a while now, not least because listening to his music gave me a greater insight into my own music and music more generally. That's what I look for in a great song, something that reveals all music- all of life in fact- to be filled with ever deepening beauty and poignancy.

There are a lot of influences that I'd do no justice by simply listing here. I really feel there is so much incredible life-changing music out there, old and new- be open to it. Good times!

Another image of J Dallos