Congratulations on making it this far.

It's kind of crazy, right? We all use them, we all want more of them, we're all kind of waiting for the next one to come out, but how many people make it this far? Become interested enough in whats going on underneath the hood, or even just behind flashing screen, to want to learn more. Well you do, me to. Welcome to the club.

A picture of me, linking to the latest article, about me

All About Me

A proper introduction.

My background and how I got into coding.

Why are we here?

Blogging is an important part of learning to code. Reading blogs as a way of learning about programming, creating a blog to put those new found skills into practice, not to mention a kind of semi-productive procrastination. Reading is good, reading on a subject you are interested in is even better so being here at all is a good thing. No prizes for thinking of a less productive use of your time, eh?

This blog is an ongoing project but here are a few things you can expect to find, and a few reccommendations of where to start.

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